The Crew
"The Professor" aka Tony Dunn
Co-Founder of C3, I'm first a father to three beautiful children and husband to an equally beautiful wife (all Panther fans, may I add).
C3 emerged out of a friendship between Joe Riollano (that Freak'n Puerto Rican) and myself, who found themselves living in different states and often infrequently in contact. Football and the Carolina Panthers, however, helped us stay in touch and keep alive a bond that may have dissipated with time and distance eventually. We've come a long way since our first half-time hangout to now building a successful website, a collaborative video network, multiple NFL podcasts, Panther fan clubs, and dipping our toes into professional radio broadcasting. (Check me out weekly on Pirate Radio 1250's The Sports Bar with Clip Brock.
All that aside, this project (which emerged organically) has always been meant to be fun, fan-oriented, and a place where develop and maintain friendships. Thanks for helping us in that process. Beyond your support, however, I'd like to ask you to join us in this effort. Visit, comment, listen, participate, and contribute. All or any, that's all you have to do to help us build Panther Nation and C3.